Tiwari, RajnishRajnishTiwariDe Waal, Gerrit AntonGerrit AntonDe Waal2021-04-132021-04-132018-06ISPIM Innovation Conference – Innovation, the name oft the game (2018)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/9268Increasing population of humans and animal livestock, rapid urbanization and reduction in available arable land coupled with the negative impacts of climate change constitute a major threat to global food security. Implications of this threat can be far-reaching for both developing and developed economies. There is an urgent need to enhance productivity, efficiency and effectiveness in the entire value chain of the food processing industry by employing modern technologies that support “affordable excellence”. At the same time, many consumers, especially in the developed world, are voluntarily adopting simplicity and moderate lifestyles, opening new avenues for creating frugal offerings. In this paper, we employ an explorative- qualitative research approach to examine the potential scope of frugal innovations in enhancing food security. The empirical research is set in the context of Australian food processing industry and investigates the current prevalence of frugal practices and their chances and challenges.enFrugal InnovationGlobal Food SecuritySustainable Development GoalsFood Processing IndustryAffordable ExcellenceAustraliaInclusive InnovationSocial InnovationGlobal InnovationFrugal Innovations for Food Security: An Australian Case StudyConference Paperhttps://search.proquest.com/openview/c33273807a4b5b73a8f2d7166dc998a7/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=2040562The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)Other