Cerek, KacperKacperCerekHadjiloo, ElnazElnazHadjilooGrabe, JürgenJürgenGrabe2024-06-062024-06-062024-06-06https://hdl.handle.net/11420/47751This dataset includes the numerical results of a cofferdam box considering a parameter variation. The simulations have all been conducted using the Finite Element Method with the commercial software PLAXIS 2D. The investigated cofferdams represent a cofferdam box used as an excavation enclosure. The Hardening Soil Model with Small-Strain Stiffness is used as the material model. The results show the wall deformations, vertical stress distributions, and earth pressures on the cofferdam walls for different cofferdam dimensions and various parameter combinations.enhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/DatasetFEMCofferdamPort ConstructionHardening Soil ModelPLAXIS 2DTechnology::624: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering::624.1: Structural Engineering::624.15: Geotechnical EngineeringTechnology::690: Building, ConstructionDataset of Simulated Cofferdam Models for Parameteric StudySimulation Data10.15480/882.964510.15480/882.9645