Faulwasser, TimmTimmFaulwasserGrüne, LarsLarsGrüneHumaloja, Jukka PekkaJukka PekkaHumalojaSchaller, ManuelManuelSchaller2024-03-052024-03-052021Proceedings of the 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2021: 2578-2583 (2021)9781665436595https://hdl.handle.net/11420/46189This paper investigates an interval turnpike result for the adjoints/costates of finite-and infinite-dimensional nonlinear optimal control problems under the assumption of an interval turnpike on states and controls. We consider stabilizable dynamics governed by a generator of a semigroup with finite-dimensional unstable part satisfying a spectral decomposition condition and show the desired turnpike property under continuity assumptions on the first-order optimality conditions. We further provide a numerical example with a semilinear heat equation to illustrate the results.enGeneratorsHeating systemsOptimal controlNatural Resources, Energy and EnvironmentComputer SciencesMathematicsInferring the adjoint turnpike property from the primal turnpike propertyConference Paper10.1109/CDC45484.2021.9683079Conference Paper