Skorych, VasylVasylSkorychBuchholz, MoritzMoritzBuchholzDosta, MaksymMaksymDostaHeinrich, StefanStefanHeinrich2020-11-042020-11-042020-06-21in Dynamic Flowsheet Simulation of Solids Processes: 581-628 (2020-06-21)978-3-030-45167-7978-3-030-45168-4 application of flowsheet models to dynamic solids processes pose significant challenges, especially regarding the handling of the inherent multidimensionality of granular material properties, like particle size, shape and porosity distributions. The novel open-source flowsheet simulation framework Dyssol deals with this by applying an approach based on transformation matrices, which allows for the tracking of temporal changes in the multi-dimensional distributed parameters of the granular materials. The modelling system utilizes the sequential-modular approach in combination with partitioning and tearing methods as well as the waveform relaxation method for increased modelling flexibility while offering high computational performance. Dyssol includes an extensive and expandable model library for various unit operations in process engineering, that in turn may be calculated by user-defined solver units from a distinct library. To enhance the computational performance, the user may choose from different convergence and extrapolation methods. Material properties are defined in an extendable material database. Various case studies show robust stability and high convergence rates. The application of a global optimization algorithm shows promising results for the operational parameter adjustment in case of transient system behaviour. A concept of applying artificial neural networks to extend the scope of dynamic flowsheet simulation systems is proposed.enTechnology::600: TechnologyA framework for dynamic simulation of interconnected solids processesBook part10.1007/978-3-030-45168-4_17Other