Ilin, Igor VasilevichIgor VasilevichIlinMaydanova, SvetlanaSvetlanaMaydanovaKersten, WolfgangWolfgangKerstenJahn, CarlosCarlosJahnWeigell, JürgenJürgenWeigell2022-04-202022-04-202022-03-10Arctic Maritime Logistics: the Potentials and Challenges of the Northern Sea Route dited by Igor Ilin, Tessaleno Devezas, Carlos Jahn: 137-158 (2022)978-3-030-92291-7978-3-030-92290-0 technologies are currently present in nearly all activities of companies including customer interaction, competition, operations, and innovations. The maritime industry is here no exception. The current challenges force companies that are market leaders in their industry to change their strategies. This paper covers the digital transformation of global container shipping lines. The proposed approach to the development of a global container shipping line IT-architecture could provide substantial support during the implementation of strategic initiatives based on the suggested Balanced Scorecard reference models and the multi-level matrix by comparing and linking indicators and IT-architecture models. Proposed ideas of virtual testing and experiments for IT-architecture models development correspond to the modern approach to innovation and allow rapid technology deployment and the company strategic resources adjustment in accordance with a changing environment.enBalanced scorecardDigital twinEnterprise architectureGlobal container shipping lineTechnology::600: TechnologyDigitalization of Global Container Shipping LinesBook Part10.1007/978-3-030-92291-7_8Book Chapter