Knopp, TobiasTobiasKnoppMohn, FabianFabianMohnFörger, FynnFynnFörgerThieben, FlorianFlorianThiebenHackelberg, NiklasNiklasHackelbergFaltinath, JonasJonasFaltinathTsanda, ArtyomArtyomTsandaBoberg, MarijaMarijaBobergMöddel, MartinMartinMöddel2025-01-072025-01-072024-12-19Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 10 (4): 377-380 (2024-12-01) the position and orientation of amedical instrument is essential for accurate procedures in en-doscopy, surgery, and vascular interventions. Recently, a novelsensor based on torsional pendulum-like magneto-mechanicalmotion has been proposed. This sensor is passive, wireless andinductively coupled to a transmit-receive coil array. This setupallows the determination of all 6 degrees of freedom usingthe characteristic resonance of the sensor. Additional physicalquantities such as temperature and pressure can be measuredbased on the frequency of the sensor, which mainly dependson the distance between the two involved permanent magnets.In this study, we analyze a sensor composed of two magneticcylinders with variable magnet-to-magnet distance and a basicphysical model based on a dipole assumption. Experimentalanalysis of the resonance frequency and comparison with themodel values show both qualitative and quantitative agreementwith an average relative error of only 0.8 %. This validates theimplemented model and shows the suitability of our magnetic-mechanical resonator made from cylindrical permanent mag-nets for sensing applications.en2364-5504Current directions in biomedical engineering20244377380De Gruyter ResonatorSensingResonance FrequencyMagnet-to-Magnet DistanceTechnology::610: Medicine, HealthEmpirical study of magnet distance on magneto-mechanical resonance frequencyJournal Article Article