Dreyer, AxelAxelDreyerEckstädt, KatrinKatrinEckstädtKoop, ThomasThomasKoopJutzi, PeterPeterJutziHütten, AndreasAndreasHütten2020-06-052020-06-052016-08-04RSC Advances 78 (6): 74061-74066 (2016)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/6248Particle formation can occur by way of a classical or non-classical nucleation pathway. We show that during the bottom-up synthesis of cobalt particles the degree of particle surface stabilization determines the formation pathway. Without additives, young cobalt particles are liquid because of the size-dependent melting point depression, and crystallization starts only after growth by coalescence, in accord to a non-classical pathway. Addition of surfactants during synthesis leads to particle surface stabilization and, thus, an elevated melting point such that a crystalline nucleus is formed in a classical pathway.en2046-2069RSC Advances2016787406174066RSC PublishingTechnikSurface stabilization determines a classical: fersus non-classical nucleation pathway during particle formationJournal Article10.1039/c6ra13041kOther