Rump, Siegfried M.Siegfried M.Rump2021-04-232021-04-231999-09BIT Numerical Mathematics 39 (3): 534-554 (1999-09) interval arithmetic is widely used because of ease of implementation and narrow results. In this note we show that the overestimation of midpoint-radius interval arithmetic compared to power set operations is uniformly bounded by a factor 1.5 in radius. This is true for the four basic operations as well as for vector and matrix operations, over real and over complex numbers. Moreover, we describe an implementation of midpoint-radius interval arithmetic entirely using BLAS. Therefore, in particular, matrix operations are very fast on almost any computer, with minimal effort for the implementation. Especially, with the new definition it is seemingly the first time that full advantage can be taken of the speed of vector and parallel architectures. The algorithms have been implemented in the Matlab interval toolbox INTLAB.en1572-9125BIT19993534554Swets & ZeitlingerBLASInfimum-supremumInterval arithmeticMidpoint-radiusParallel computerInformatikMathematikFast and parallel interval arithmeticJournal Article10.1023/A:1022374804152Other