Jakobs, Marie-ChristineMarie-ChristineJakobsMantel, HeikoHeikoMantel2022-10-202022-10-202020-10-27Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12477 LNCS: 72-92 (2020)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/13826Reducing the performance overhead of run-time monitoring is crucial for making it affordable to enforce more complex requirements than simple security or safety properties. Optimizations for reducing the overhead are becoming increasingly sophisticated themselves, which makes it mandatory to verify that they preserve what shall be enforced. In this article, we propose a taxonomy for such optimizations and use it to develop a classification of existing optimization techniques. Moreover, we propose a semantic framework for modeling run-time monitors that provides a suitable basis both, for verifying that optimizations preserve reliable enforcement and for analytically assessing the performance gain.enInformatikA unifying framework for dynamic monitoring and a taxonomy of optimizationsConference Paper10.1007/978-3-030-61470-6_6Other