Lechermann, FrankFrankLechermannHeckel, WolfgangWolfgangHeckelKristanovski, OlegOlegKristanovskiMüller, StefanStefanMüller2019-12-172019-12-172017-05-30Physical Review B 19 (95): 195159 (2017)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/4155Oxygen-deficient TiO2 in the rutile structure as well as the Ti3O5 Magnéli phase is investigated within the charge self-consistent combination of density functional theory with dynamical mean-field theory. It is shown that an isolated oxygen vacancy (VO) in titanium dioxide is not sufficient to metallize the system at low temperatures. In a semiconducting phase, an in-gap state is identified at IG∼-0.75eV in excellent agreement with experimental data. Bandlike impurity levels, resulting from a threefold VO-Ti coordination as well as entangled (t2g,eg) states, become localized due to site-dependent electronic correlations. Charge localization and strong orbital polarization occur in the VO-near Ti ions, the details of which can be modified by a variation of the correlated subspace. At higher oxygen vacancy concentration, a correlated metal is stabilized in the Magnéli phase. A VO-defect rutile structure of identical stoichiometry shows key differences in the orbital-resolved character and the spectral properties. Charge disproportionation is vital in the oxygen-deficient compounds, but obvious metal-insulator transitions driven or sustained by charge order are not identified.en1550-235XPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics201719American Physical Society (APS)PhysikOxygen-vacancy driven electron localization and itinerancy in rutile-based TiO2Journal Article10.1103/PhysRevB.95.195159Journal Article