Kuchta, KerstinKerstinKuchta10145299640000-0002-0956-8247Abis, MarcoMarcoAbis2022-04-072022-04-072022Verlag Abfall aktuell 978-3-9820061-6-1: (2022)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/12243The transition from municipal waste landfilling towards higher recycling quotas is supported by the application of thermal treatments, especially effective for mixed waste, sorting residues and unrecyclable fractions. Thus, increased amounts of incineration residues such as bottom ash are expected, and innovative solutions for their circularity are needed. This thesis identifies limitations on bottom ash treatments and circularity in Europe. Furthermore, the material recovery potential for bottom ash mineral fractions is assessed and a novel treatment for their refinement is developed and tested. The results are contextualised in a plant concept aimed to increase the total material recovery rate of incineration bottom ash.enTechnikA novel approach for the optimisation of material recovery from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration bottom ashDoctoral ThesisFiore, SilviaSilviaFioreOther