Reinecke, PaulinePaulineReineckeWrona, ThomasThomasWrona2022-01-172022-01-172021Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1): 14565 (2021) this paper, we consider how emerging, controversially discussed technologies are discursively constructed. We argue that for such technologies, meaning is neither societally institutionalized, nor do social actors frame this meaning in a purely intentional way. Building on a hermeneutic sociology of knowledge perspective, we discuss how societal knowledge and heterogenous practices of actors are communicatively co-constructed and guide the becoming of technology. We illustrate the meaning dynamics using the example of the discourse around Big Data Analytics (BDA) in Germany from 2010-2020 and reveal three interpretive frames that unfold from the recursive relations of societal knowledge and social actors. The implication of our paper is that the discursive construction of emerging technologies can only be understood through an actor concept that understands social actors as both producers and …en2151-6561Academy of Management proceedings20211Academy of ManagementWirtschaftMeaning dynamics of emerging technologies : how technologies come into being in contested discoursesConference Paper10.5465/AMBPP.2021.14565abstractOther