Heitmann, KristofKristofHeitmannLippert, TristanTristanLippertLippert, StephanStephanLippertEstorff, Otto vonOtto vonEstorff2020-05-082020-05-082013Marine 2013 : computational methods in marine engineering V ; proceedings of the V International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, held in Hamburg, Germany, 29 - 31 May 2013 / CIMNE. Birgitt Brinkmann ... (ed.). - 1. ed. - Barcelona : Internat. Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2013. - Seite 634-641http://hdl.handle.net/11420/6075One major long-termgoal of the German government is to de crease the green-house gas emissions by 40%. This result sinakey role of off shore wind farms regarding the turn around in energy policy. In most cases, off shore wind turbine saree rected by pile driving leading to a significant noise impact. In consequence, limiting values for emitted under water noise have been prescribed to a voidanegative influence on marine mammals. To fulfill the serequire ments, different sound damping system sare currently developed orunder investigation. There by, then umerical prediction of the resulting sound press ureleveli san important to olto prevent cost-intensive off shore tests. A sageneral approach different numerical modeling technique sare used to study the generated pressure wave, taking in to account the near and far field propagations epara tely. To model the are an earth epile of the wind turbine, a detaile dfinit eelement approach his used .For the far field propagation, numerically highly effective methods are need edtopredict the sound pressure level at large distance sof several kilometers from the pile. In a combined model, result softh earea close to the pile a re transferred to a separate model using wave numberin tegration to compute the sound pressure in the farfield of tpile .Detaile din vestigation soft he farfield model and the set up of the combined near field-far field model can be foundin corresponding publication soft he authors [1]-[4]. The focus of this contribution is on the transformation of the near field model from the time do main to a formulation in the frequency domain to be able to nside rfr equency-dependent effects, like, e. g., the damping characteristics of bubble curtains.enFrequency domainOff shore wind farmsPile drivingSimulationTime domainUnder water noiseTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenComputational prediction of near and far field noise due to pile driving for offhore wind farmsConference PaperOther