2023-06-252023-06-25https://tore.tuhh.de/handle/11420/28974Ralf is an Associate Professor at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia and former Director of the Newcastle Business School, Sydney Campus. He is passionate about helping organizations deal with change. Using the dynamic capability and resource-based views of the firm, Ralf leads projects on service-oriented business models and organizational change to help organizations sense, shape and seize market opportunities and improve their strategic performance. Ralf worked for multinational organizations in the automotive (BMW Group), telecommunications (o2 Telefónica) and consulting industries and provided consulting services to organizations such as Oxfam, ABC Commercial and Ernst & Young. Ralf's work has been recognized by several international and national associations, invitations to speak at industry conferences, and he authored journal publications in outlets such as Academy of Management Annals, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and Journal of Service Research. He also serves as the global representative for the Academy of Management's Strategic Management Division and is on the Technology and Innovation Management division's panel for the Best Paper Award. Research interests His research interests focus predominantly on the question of how organisations can improve performance. In order to derive and solve interesting and relevant research questions, he uses core strategy theories, and the resource-based and dynamic capability views of firm strategy in particular, as well as (open) innovation and service strategy literature. He has used these lenses to investigate managerially relevant problems, such as service-dominant business models, and the impact of market sensing and reconfiguring activities on operational capabilities.Wilden, Ralf