Marx-Schubach, ThomasThomasMarx-SchubachSchmitz, GerhardGerhardSchmitz2020-02-172020-02-172017-07-04Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings (132) : Art.-Nr.: 12 (121-130) paper presents an optimization of the start-up process of a post-combustion carbon capture plant (PCC-plant) by varying the solvent flow rate. In a first optimization run the start-up time is minimized. In a second optimization run the overall carbon capture rate during the start-up process is maximized. The results show the great potential of the optimization, as the start-up time can be reduced from Dt = 4650s in the reference case to Dt = 2840s in the optimized scenario.en ProcessCarbon CaptureProcess EngineeringIngenieurwissenschaftenOptimizing the start-up process of post-combustion capture plants by varying the solvent flow rateConference Paper10.15480/882.265510.3384/ecp1713212110.15480/882.2655Conference Paper