Becker, LauraLauraBecker2023-04-192023-04-192023-02-10Project Thesis - Technische Universität Hamburg (2023) thesis describes the implementation of a testbed to execute and analyze dissemination schedules in multi-source, multi-monitor, and multi-hop Status Update Systems (SUS) with respect to Age of Information (AoI). Applications like environmental monitoring or smart grid require SUS that periodically distribute status information, like sensor data, of each node to all network participants. Because the nodes use the status information in decision making, the freshness of information is a key performance indicator, which can be determined using the performance metric AoI. Dissemination schedules define the broadcasting and forwarding of the status updates and have therefore a direct impact on the AoI. In current literature, optimized dissemination schedules are derived using Minimum Connected Dominating Sets (MCDS). To analyze these theoretical dissemination schedules on physical Information and Communication Technology (ICT) platforms, an IPv6 over the Timeslotted Channel Hopping mode of IEEE 802.15.4 (6TiSCH) testbed is implemented based on the Operating System Contiki NG and executed on OpenMote B boards. The testbed concept supports scheduling of the slotframes and the implementation of the application protocol providing the execution of arbitrary dissemination schedules. Afterwards various setups are evaluated considering different age metrics and the Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR). The setups differ in their configuration of the slotframes, the network topology, and the environment interference. The measurement results prove that the testbed is able to execute dissemination schedules for different topologies using a timeslotted communication with channel hopping. Furthermore, the measurement results are used to derive optimized slotframe configurations depending on the application requirements.en of Information (AoI)Communication Network6TiSCHTestbedSensor NetworksWireless CommunicationTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenImplementation and evaluation of age of information in status update systems using a 6TiSCH testbedThesis10.15480/882.506910.15480/882.5069Study Thesis