Albers, AlbertAlbertAlbersBursac, NikolaNikolaBursacUrbanec, JanJanUrbanecLüdcke, RobertRobertLüdckeRachenkova, GalinaGalinaRachenkova2022-08-252022-08-252014-10DFX 2014: 25th Symposium Design for X: 13-24 (2014) the context of this contribution, the term-product generation development is defined with the help of the systems theory approach and distinguished from already existing terms. Within the scope of the empirical study, the need for a definition of product generation development is confirmed and put into the context of knowledge management. Hereby, it can be demonstrated that developers often reuse a big share of components despite having a bad overview of the completed projects. One solution lies in the product structure, which does not change a lot, and, thus, a reference system model can be created in order to link corresponding information to this model.enEarly stagesEmpirical studyKnowledge managementProduct generation developmentWirtschaftKnowledge management in product generation development - An empirical studyConference Paper10.13140/2.1.5104.4643Conference Paper