Botalov, MaximMaximBotalovBunkov, GrigoryGrigoryBunkovRychkov, VladimirVladimirRychkovKirillov, EvgenyEvgenyKirillovKirillov, SergeySergeyKirillovKuchta, KerstinKerstinKuchtaKücüker, Mehmet AliMehmet AliKücükerAtamaniuk, IrynaIrynaAtamaniuk2020-01-102020-01-102017AIP Conference Proceedings (1886): 020033 (2017) testing and determination of appropriate biosorbent and experimental procedures for recovery of REEs from artificial solution as well as the efficiency of the process for recovery of REEs from artificial solution via biosorption are given in present research work.enNaturwissenschaftenRecovery of rare earth elements (REEs) from uranium containing solutions using biosorptionConference Paper10.1063/1.5002930Other