Kurin, ThomasThomasKurinHorlbeck, MarieMarieHorlbeckMaiwald, TimoTimoMaiwaldWeigel, RobertRobertWeigelLurz, FabianFabianLurz2023-03-162023-03-162023-01IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks (WiSNeT 2023)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/15010This paper discusses a novel ultra low power sensor system for monitoring a beehives' health condition, which can be determined by measuring internal temperature and humidity variations. It comprises an autonomous battery powered sensor node which transmits the measured data over a 868 MHz wireless radio link. Expected runtime is greater than 2.1 years.enbeehiveultra low powerWSNTechnikA wireless lightweight system node for energy efficient beehive sensingConference Paper10.1109/WiSNeT56959.2023.10046265Conference Paper