Luppold, ArnoArnoLuppoldFalk, HeikoHeikoFalk2020-01-312020-01-312017-05-11Proceedings of the 2017 Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE 2017: 7927149, 1074-1079 (2017-05-11) hard real-time multi-tasking systems each task has to meet its deadline under any circumstances. If one or several tasks violate their timing constraints, compiler optimizations can be used to optimize the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) of each task with a focus on the system's schedulability. Existing approaches are limited to single-tasking or strictly periodic multitasking systems. We propose a compiler optimization to perform a schedulability-aware static instruction Scratchpad Allocation for arbitrary activation patterns and deadlines. The approach is based on Integer-Linear Programming and is evaluated for the Infineon TriCore TC1796 microcontroller.enInformatikSchedulability-aware SPM Allocation for preemptive hard real-time systems with arbitrary activation patternsConference Paper10.23919/DATE.2017.7927149Other