Burmeister, Hans-ChristophHans-ChristophBurmeisterJahn, CarlosCarlosJahnTöter, S.S.TöterFroese, JensJensFroese2020-07-102020-07-102013Marine navigation and safety of sea transportation : advances in marine navigation / ed. by Adam Weintrit. - Hoboken : CRC Press, 2013. - Seite 287-291http://hdl.handle.net/11420/6704This paper proposes a collision model for ships underway and temporary objects as an extension to state-of-the-art maritime risk assessment. It gives a brief review of frequency modeling's theory and its applications, before it analogously derives a model to assess the risk of anchorage areas. Subsequently, its benefit is demonstrated by an example scenario. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.enHandel, Kommunikation, VerkehrIngenieurwissenschaftenMaritime risk assessment : modeling collisions with vessels lying at an anchorageConference PaperOther