Wöller, MichaelMichaelWöller2020-03-242020-03-242019Projektarbeit, Technische Universität Hamburg (2019)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/5467In this thesis, the accident of the RoRo-Vessel Vinca Gorthon is investigated with the numerical sinking method in E4. In the beginning, the vessel, the course of events leading to the accident and the results of former investigation are described. Next, the flooding method in E4 is introduced with a theoretical background and a small description of the application. After defining the input data of the calculations, the results are shown. At last, the results are discussed, a conclusion is made and an outlook is given.enNumerical Investigation of the Flooding and Sinking Scenario of the RoRo-Vessel Vinca GorthonWorking PaperOther