Zobel, DominikDominikZobelMilatz, MariusMariusMilatzGrabe, JürgenJürgenGrabe2019-04-262019-04-262018-03Geotechnik 1 (41): 40-46 (2018-03)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/2518Model tests concerning the stability of construction machines with a high center of gravity. There are multiple topplings of construction machines with high center of gravity each year, even if only Germany is considered. The reason is usually human failure, but also soil failure due to base failure and slope failure. An adjusted measurement and control system could support the machine operators with warnings or counter measures at the right time to prevent an impending toppling. To test this hypothesis, a possible measurement and control system has been implemented and tested within model tests on models made of Lego Mindstorms. The investigated model, based on a drilling rig for special deep construction purposes, has three degrees of freedom and can autonomously recognize dangerous situations and initiate suitable counter-measures, even with only a few sensors and a simple measurement and control system. This demonstrates the functionality of this approach in principle, which can then be applied to more complex systems.en0172-6145Geotechnik201814046Model tests concerning the stability of construction machines with a high center of gravityJournal Article10.1002/gete.201700009Other