Khan, Muhammad TalalMuhammad TalalKhanHabib, Md ZakariaMd ZakariaHabibKarlsson, ElinElinKarlssonBabazadeh, DavoodDavoodBabazadehFidai, M. HassanM. HassanFidaiNordström, LarsLarsNordström2021-02-252021-02-252016Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES 2016) frequency control plays a vital role in power systems and has therefore been the focus of much research. Recent focus is being targeted towards developing distributed solutions. This paper proposes a fast converging, distributed solution for secondary frequency control on the basis of the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM). For economic benefits the proposed solution integrates the use of rapid start (RS) units. Rapid start units are fast response and high ramp offline units, which can provide the reserve power in case of need. The proposed control scheme is a distributed solution to combine secondary frequency control, economic dispatch and the RS start up process. Finally, the developed algorithm is tested for a power system model on a real- Time co-simulation platform. The results show a fast converging algorithm that provides secondary frequency control compliant with ENTSO-E requirements, and the economical benefits of the inclusion of a rapid start unit.enADMMAGCEconomic dispatchRapid start unitIngenieurwissenschaftenDistributed secondary frequency control considering rapid start units using alternating direction method of multipliersConference Paper10.1109/MSCPES.2016.7480223Other