Stojanovic, NadicaNadicaStojanovicBoskovic, BojanaBojanaBoskovicPetrovic, MiroslavMiroslavPetrovicGrujic, IvanIvanGrujicAbdullah, Oday IbraheemOday IbraheemAbdullah2023-03-302023-03-302023-02-04Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (12): 32288-32300 (2023-03-01) transport is one of the most dangerous methods of goods transport. Driver errors and poor traffic conditions can cause traffic accidents, which can have a negative impact on people’s health, the environment, and infrastructure. The main influence on the level of the consequences is the chemical composition and amount of the transported substance. This paper presents the causes of traffic accidents during the transport of dangerous goods. In addition, how traffic accidents during the transport of dangerous goods affect people’s health, the environment, and infrastructure was shown. After that, measures for accidents avoidance and the alleviation and reduction of dangerous goods were given. From the review of studies from the subject field, it can be concluded that the dangerous goods are very harmful to people, the environment, and infrastructure when transport accidents occur. Lessons should be learned from the history of accidents involving the transport of dangerous goods to avoid repeating the same mistakes. The review conclusions indicate that a routes optimization and investment in road infrastructure are needed to reduce risk during the transport of dangerous goods.en1614-7499Environmental science and pollution research2023123228832300SpringerPeople healthPreservation of the environmentSafetyThe transport of dangerous goodsTechnikThe impact of accidents during the transport of dangerous good, on people, the environment, and infrastructure and measures for their reduction: a reviewJournal Article10.1007/s11356-023-25470-236738415Other