2023-06-252023-06-25https://tore.tuhh.de/handle/11420/33427Associate Professor at Faculty of Pharmacy, Lisbon University. Currently Head of Food and Health Division at iBET - Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (http://www.ibet.pt/research/food-health-division), and Head of Food Functionality and Bioactives Laboratory (http://www.ibet.pt/research/food-health-division/food-functionality-and-bioactives-laboratory). Head of Toxicological and Bromatological Sciences Department (http://www.ff.ul.pt/ctb/) and head of Structural Analysis Laboratory at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon (http://www.ff.ul.pt/lem/) at Faculty of Pharmacy, Lisbon University. Positions M.R. Bronze started her academic career at the Faculty of Pharmacy Lisbon University, Portugal, from 1980 to 1986 where she studied pharmacy. In 1999 M.R. Bronze obtained a Ph.D. in Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) at Lisbon University. In 2012 she went from Assistant to Associate Professor. Since 1988 she collaborates as a researcher at Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica and also Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica – IBET. Research Activities Originally, M.R. Bronze was involved in the use of instrumental and sensory tools to characterize mainly food products. From 2000 her research area was extended to the study of bioactive compounds in different raw materials, foods and drinks and evaluation of its effects in health. The evaluation of the bioacessibility and bioavailability of bioactives is also an area of research, and chemical, in vitro and in vivo tools have been used. M.R. project has collaborated in national and international projects. At iBET she is responsible for projects in collaboration with food industries. Since 1997, M. R. Bronze published over 80 papers in internationally reviewed journals and had 5 PhD’s defending their thesis and 3 ongoing.Rosário Bronze, Maria do