Ren, LixiaLixiaRenWang, MinMinWangWang, ShuanhuShuanhuWangZeeshan, HafizHafizZeeshanZhao, YangYangZhaoLi, MingMingLiYan, HongHongYanChen, ChangleChangleChenJin, KexinKexinJin2024-02-222024-02-222019-09-01Thin Solid Films 695: 360-365 (2019) investigations have revealed that PbI2 plays a passivated role to reduce the charge recombination in the perovskite films. However, due to the random distribution of PbI2 in perovskite films, the passivation effect is blanketed to some extent. In this work, we use the argon ions bombardment to deliberately induce the PbI2 layer at the surface of perovskite films and investigate the photoelectric performance of samples. It is found that the PbI2 layer at the surface can passivate the defects effectively, leading to an improvement of the photoconduction by an order of magnitude as well as the responsivity by >4 times under the irradiation of 405 nm light. The bombardment provides an effective method for perovskite surface passivation and optimizing the performances of perovskite-based photoelectric devices.en0040-6090Thin solid films2019360365Methylammonium lead iodidePassivationPhotoresponseSurface compositionChemistryEngineering and Applied OperationsModified photoelectric properties of CH₃NH₃PbI₃ via surface passivation induced by argon ions bombardmentJournal Article10.1016/j.tsf.2019.06.043Journal Article