Shcherbinin, Vitalii I.Vitalii I.ShcherbininTkachenko, V. I.V. I.TkachenkoZaginaylov, G. I.G. I.ZaginaylovSchünemann, KlausKlausSchünemann2021-01-072021-01-072014-04Plasma Physics Reports 4 (40): 283-289 (2014-04) dispersion properties of a magnetoactive plasma-filled waveguide in the vicinity of the upper hybrid frequency ω1 = (ω p2 + ωB2)1/2 (ω1 - δ < ω < ω1) are studied. It is shown that, in this frequency range, the eigenmodes of the plasma-filled waveguide are represented by the families of EH and cyclotron HE modes, the interaction between which is weak everywhere except for the vicinities of certain points in the (ω, k z) plane. The equations describing the behavior of the dispersion curves in these vicinities are derived. It is shown that, as a result of the interaction, the high-frequency branches of EH modes acquire the cutoff frequencies corresponding to the high-order propagating HE modes. It is established that the anisotropic HE+l mode can also interact with cyclotron HE modes. In this case, its dispersion curve enters the lower half-vicinity of the upper hybrid frequency, where it is modified due to the interaction, and then leaves it.en1063-780XPlasma physics reports20144283289Dispersion properties of a magnetoactive plasma-filled waveguide in the vicinity of the upper hybrid frequency. Part IIJournal Article10.1134/S1063780X14040084Other