Reiß, NicolasNicolasReißAlbers, AlbertAlbertAlbersBursac, NikolaNikolaBursac2023-09-122023-09-122017-0821st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2017) paper presents the results of a 4-year study dealing with concept for increasing the method acceptance in development processes. Therefore, three approaches are presented and discussed. During product creation, product developers can apply various methods to be supported in their work and enhance the quality and efficiency of the respective processes. Even though the additional benefits and added value of the different methods have been verified in many studies, they are not used very widely due to insufficient transparency about relevant methods suitable for the specific situations and requirements, deficiencies in user friendliness, and a lacking sense of achievement during everyday use. This paper points out and discusses different approaches to increasing the acceptance of methods applied during agile product development processes.enDesign educationDesign methodsGamificationMethod acceptanceResearch methodologies and methodsApproaches to increasing method acceptance in agile product development processesConference PaperConference Paper