Margalina, Vasilica MariaVasilica MariaMargalinaJiménez Sánchez, ÁlvaroÁlvaroJiménez SánchezEhrlich, JannaJannaEhrlich2023-11-022023-11-022023-07-15Index.comunicacion 13 (2): 119-146 (2023) methodology applied for the statistical analysis for under-standing, explaining and predicting consumer behavior represents an im-portant issue for neuromarketing research. This research analyses the use of the PLS-SEM method in this area. A total of 20 articles, which employed at least one neuromarketing method and performed PLS-SEM analysis, were found in the main data bases (i.e., WOS, Scopus, and others). A lack of an ade-quate approach for sampling and treatment of small samples was generally found. Problems with the proper application of the common PLS-SEM analysis procedures for the assessment of the outer and inner models, as well as with the application of advanced PLS-SEM approaches. Future studies should as-sess the suitability of using a PLS-SEM approach, depending on the research objective supporting the method, the conditions supporting its use, and its limitations. Guidelines are provided to researchers on when PLS-SEM is an appropriate research tool for neuromarketing research, which analytical method to use, and how to validate and communicate the results.en2174-1859Index Comunicación20232119146Rey Juan Carlos University, PLS-SEMNeuromarketing TechniquesReviewStatistical MethodsStructural Equation ModellingManagement, Public RelationsA review of the use of PLS-SEM in neuromarketing researchJournal Article10.15480/882.877810.33732/ixc/13/02Arevie10.15480/882.8778Journal Article