Ambrozkiewicz, MikolajMikolajAmbrozkiewiczJacob, Arne F.Arne F.Jacob2020-11-252020-11-252010-06International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, MIKON : 5540386 (2010-11-01) method of moment (MoM) solvers implement advanced algorithms like the fast multipole method (FMM) or wavelet transform (WLT). Applying wavelet transform yields a sparsely populated matrix and enables fast iterative solvers. However, the effort of performing the transform itself may significantly add to the overall computational complexity. Traditional methods like multiplying with a change of basis matrix are very inefficient concerning time and memory demands. In this paper, new wavelet functions are considered enabling a fast wavelet transform that uses in-place operations and has low computational complexity.enWavelets on nonuniform triangular meshes for fast basis transformConference PaperConference Paper