Avellán Hampe, AlejandroAlejandroAvellán HampeJakschik, StefanStefanJakschikTippelt, BirgitBirgitTippeltKudelka, StephanStephanKudelkaKrautschneider, WolfgangWolfgangKrautschneider2024-06-212024-06-212008-04-01IEEE Electron Device Letters 29 (4): 366-368 (2008-03-21)https://hdl.handle.net/11420/47977I-V curves as a function of voltage and temperature of MOS capacitors with silicon oxide and aluminum oxide after dielectric breakdown are presented. A different temperature behavior in accumulation is observed. The samples with aluminum oxide show an entirely positive temperature dependence, whereas the samples with silicon oxide have a crossover of the temperature dependent curves. This difference of the two sample types is attributed to the charge distribution according to the material of the breakdown spot, silicon for the case of silicon oxide, and aluminum for aluminum oxide. Thus, in the first case, a p-n junction is formed while a Schottky contact is created in the latter case. Atlas simulations and TEM analysis are presented that confirm this hypothesis. © 2008 IEEE.en0741-3106IEEE Electron Device Letters20084366368CurrentDielectric breakdownMOS devicesTechnology::621: Applied Physics::621.3: Electrical Engineering, Electronic EngineeringPost hard breakdown conduction in MOS capacitors with silicon and aluminum oxide as dielectricJournal Article10.1109/LED.2008.917627Journal Article