Bienen, BrittaBrittaBienenQiu, GangGangQiu2022-01-242022-01-242015Proceedings of the 14th Int. Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG 2014, Kyoto, Japan, 22-25 September 2014. - Seite 883-888 (2015) paper capitalizes on recent advances in numerical and constitutive modelling, which now allow large deformation problems in soils featuring sand layers to be performed. The hypoplastic constitutive relation employed here captures the stress and state dependent response of sand, such that the operative friction angle is a product of, not an input to, the analysis. This enables the detailed study of a cone penetrometer and a large diameter footing penetrating into sand over clay, providing both insights into the governing mechanisms and the resulting load-penetration curves. This contribution forms part of a wider study with the aim to formulate a direct correlation between CPT and footing response. While the end goal is not achieved yet, this contribution discusses some interesting aspects of the approach and numerical techniques used. © 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London.enIngenieurwissenschaftenHausbau, BauhandwerkArchitekturNumerical analysis of large penetration of a cone and a large diameter footing into dense sand overlying clayConference Paper10.1201/b17435-153Other