Clarke, DanielDanielClarkeHogendoorn, WillianWillianHogendoornPenn, AlexanderAlexanderPennSerial, Maria RaquelMaria RaquelSerial2023-09-112023-09-112023-09-01Particuology (in Press): (2023) this review we explore the recent developments in the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for studying granular flows. While MRI has been a valuable tool in this field for the past 40 years, recent advances in imaging hardware, reconstruction software and particles synthesis have significantly enhanced its capabilities. This article provides an overview of the current challenges of MRI and progress in the field of granular media, and gives a perspective of the possible future developments in the field.en1674-2001Particuology2023TechnologyEngineeringMagnetic resonance imaging in granular flows: An overview of recent advancesReview Article10.1016/j.partic.2023.08.007Review Article