Calotoiu, AlexandruAlexandruCalotoiuHöhl, ThomasThomasHöhlMantel, HeikoHeikoMantelNguyen, ToniToniNguyenWolf, Felix A.Felix A.Wolf2022-10-202022-10-202019-11Proceedings of ProTools 2019: Workshop on Programming and Performance Visualization Tools - Held in conjunction with SC 2019: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis: 8955678 17-24 (2019-11-01) models are powerful instruments for understanding the performance of parallel systems and uncovering their bottlenecks. Already during system design, performance models can help ponder alternatives. However, creating a performance model - whether theoretically or empirically - for an entire application that does not exist yet is challenging unless the interactions between all system components are well understood, which is often not the case during design. In this paper, we propose to generate performance models of full programs from performance models of their components using formal composition operators derived from parallel design patterns such as pipeline or task pool. As long as the design of the overall system follows such a pattern, its performance model can be predicted with reasonable accuracy without an actual implementation.enComposition operatorsParallel design patternsPerformance modelingInformatikDesigning efficient parallel software via compositional performance modelingConference Paper10.1109/ProTools49597.2019.00008Other