Smarsly, KayKaySmarslyTheiler, MichaelMichaelTheilerDragos, KosmasKosmasDragos2021-07-272021-07-272017EG-ICE International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (2017) term "cyber-physical system" (CPS) refers to a new generation of engineering systems integrating computing, networking, and physical processes. Traditional building information, such as geometry, material or cost, can be represented based on the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), an open standard used for building information modeling (BIM). However, information representing cyber-physical systems cannot be fully described with the IFC standard. Focusing on CPS applications in structural health monitoring and control, this paper presents an extension of the current IFC schema, enabling BIM-based modeling of cyber-physical systems in compliance with the IFC standard. BIM-based, IFC-compliant CPS modeling facilitates the design process, the documentation, and the information exchange of cyber-physical systems. In this study, a semantic model is developed, serving as a technology-independent metamodel to formally describe cyber-physical systems deployed in structural health monitoring and control applications. Supporting BIM-based, IFC-compliant modeling of cyber-physical systems, the semantic model is mapped into the IFC schema. Validating the BIM-based CPS modeling approach proposed herein, a CPS prototype for structural health monitoring and control is designed, implemented, and tested in laboratory experiments.enIFC-based modeling of cyber-physical systems in civil engineeringConference PaperOther