Pechstein, JanJanPechsteinNeuling, UlfUlfNeulingGebauer, Jan PeerJan PeerGebauerKaltschmitt, MartinMartinKaltschmitt2019-12-132019-12-132017-08-09Biokerosene: Status and Prospects: 543-574 (2017-08-09)978-3-662-53063-4978-3-662-53065-8 conversion routes for kerosene produced from biogenic alcohols are referred typically to as "Alcohol-to-Jet"-processes (AtJ). The required alcohols can be obtained via different bio-chemical and/or thermo-chemical routes from organic matter. Since both sugary and starchy biomass (with established technology) as well as lignocellulosic biomass and organic waste (with future technology) may be converted into a sugar or alcohol dilution, Alcohol-to-Jet-processes (AtJ) potentially access a broad feedstock base for future aviation biofuel supply1. Thus within this contribution firstly the various methods of alcohol production are described in detail. Then further processing of the alcohol to liquid hydrocarbon fuels is explained. Besides the "classical" bioethanol production which is globally established at industrial scale also "innovative" processes (e.g. bio-chemical production of butanol, thermo-chemical synthesis of methanol) are discussed. Thereafter, the status of the technical implementation of these various processes is presented. Finally, the main findings are summarized.enNaturwissenschaftenTechnikAlcohol-to-Jet (AtJ)Book Part10.1007/978-3-662-53065-8_21Book Chapter