Patzke, JustusJustusPatzkeHesse, RolandRolandHesseZorndt, AnnaAnnaZorndtNehlsen, EdgarEdgarNehlsenFröhle, PeterPeterFröhle2021-03-122021-03-122019International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Process (Intercoh2019) complexity of fine sediment dynamics in tidal estuaries arises from the large number of parameters that influence the processes for the formation of temporally and spatially variable bottom conditions. The project FAUST (06/2018-06/2021) addresses basic challenges in modelling sediment exchange at the water / soil interface. By means of sampling natural sediments from the Weser and Elbe estuary, parameters for erosion, deposition and consolidation behavior are determined performing phys. experiments. The project is based on the common idea that flocs form and sink predominantly during slack water. As a result, a bottom near stationary suspension is formed which even begins to consolidate. At the onset of flood-/ebb-currents, the stationary suspension already increased its erosion resistance. Full resuspension might therefore be hindered during the next tidal phase and accumulation occurs over several tidal phases. From the investigations carried out model approaches for the description of the dynamics of cohesive sediments shall be derived specifically for the German estuaries. This poster presents the first stages of the project.en, microcosm, cohesive sediments, bottom shear, erosion, Weser, Elbeintercoh, cohesive sediments, microcosm, bottom shear, erosion, Weser, ElbeGeowissenschaftenIngenieurwissenschaftenConceptual design for investigations on natural cohesive sediments from the Weser estuaryConference Poster not in Proceedings10.15480/882.3599 B-10Bundesanstalt für WasserbauConference Poster