Meyer, ChristophChristophMeyerGertz, CarstenCarstenGertz2024-11-202024-11-202024-11-20 following table originated in the context of the LILAS-project (10/2020-12/2023), which has been founded by the Landesforschungsförderung Hamburg, Germany. The table provides an overview of the measures identified in a literature review of street concepts and their objectives and characteristics. The respective measures are assigned to superordinate target categories, which were derived inductively from the measures identified and can be attributed to a variety of disciplinary perspectives.en conceptstransformationmultifunctionalitysustainabilitySocial Sciences::363: Other Social Problems and Services::363.7: Environmental ProblemsArts::711: Area Planning (Civic Art)::711.4: Local Community planning (City Planning)Technology::658: MarketingConcepts of the Street and their Contribution to Multifunctional and Sustainable StreetsText10.15480/882.1360310.15480/882.13603