Müller, MarvinMarvinMüllerSchiffbänker, PaulPaulSchiffbänkerAlbers, AlbertAlbertAlbersBraun, AndreasAndreasBraunBursac, NikolaNikolaBursac2022-08-122022-08-122017-08Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 3 (DS87-3): 271-280 (2017)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/13435Product engineering has become more and more complex, as there are multiple interrelated elements with high dynamic and variance. To support the work of designers and managers, various methodologies have been proposed in the literature. In this paper, it shall be evaluated how the reuse of information stored in reference models can improve the approach of model-based systems engineering to add value in the design process. Therefore a case study is conducted in the battery development department of the AVL List GmbH. A detailed and quantified evaluation of problems caused by complexity is used to derive specific solutions based on the usage of reference models in a model-based approach. Through this approach a reduction of unnecessary effort by 60 % is estimated showing how the usage of reference models adds value in the design process and is a relevant foundation of methodology development.en2220-4342Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED2017271280Curran Associates, IncCase studyDesign methodologyProduct Generation EngineeringProduct modelling/modelsSystems Engineering (SE)TechnikEfficient application of MBSE using reference models: a PGE case studyConference PaperOther