Skrzypiec, Daniel M.Daniel M.SkrzypiecNagel, KatrinKatrinNagelSellenschloh, KayKaySellenschlohKlein, AnkeAnkeKleinPüschel, KlausKlausPüschelMorlock, MichaelMichaelMorlockHuber, GerdGerdHuber2019-08-022019-08-022016-01-30Industrial Health 4 (54): 308-314 (2016) in-vitro experiment was designed to investigate the mode of failure following shear fatigue loading of lumbar motion-segments. Human male lumbar motion-segments (age 32-42 years, n=6) were immersed in Ringer solution at 37°C and repeatedly loaded, using a modified materials testing machine. Fatigue loading consisted of a sinusoidal shear load from 0 N to 1,500 N (750 N ± 750 N) applied to the upper vertebra of the motion-segment, at a frequency of 5 Hz. During fatigue experiments, several failure events were observed in the dynamic creep curves. Post-test x-ray, CT and dissection revealed that all specimens had delamination of the intervertebral disc. Anterior shear fatigue predominantly resulted in fracture of the apophyseal processes of the upper vertebrae (n=4). Exposure to the anterior shear fatigue loading caused motion-segment instability and resulted in vertebral slip corresponding to grade I and ‘mild’ grade II spondylolisthesis, as observed clinically.en1880-8026Industrial health20164308314Biowissenschaften, BiologieMedizinFailure of the human lumbar motion-segments resulting from anterior shear fatigue loadingJournal Article10.2486/indhealth.2015-0162Other