Bulmann, UlrikeUlrikeBulmannBornhöft, SaraSaraBornhöftVosgerau, KlausKlausVosgerauEllinger, DorotheaDorotheaEllingerKnutzen, SönkeSönkeKnutzen2019-10-252019-10-252019Proceedings of the 46th SEFI Annual Conference 2018: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Engineering Education Excellence: 97-105 (2019)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/3654This study presents a qualification programme on research-based learning for early stage researchers and its perception. In conclusion, the foremost aim of the programme, that is introducing research-based learning, has been reached in an acceptingly manner. Still, attempts for enhancement on the three individual levels reaction, learning, and behaviour have been recently realized by an improved qualification programme and will be evaluated soon. However, implementing research-based learning clearly faces substantial obstacles in regard to disciplinary and institutional characteristics, among others. As a consequence, this requires additional in-depth investigations of the results on the institutional level, and identification of the profound barriers and potentials for research-based learning experienced by various university stakeholders. Adjusting those findings with prerequisites of higher engineering education could help to overcome barriers cooperatively. To do so, recommendations by participants can serve as a first source to take actions. To summarise, qualifying early stage researchers proved to be a promising approach to integrate research into teaching and learning as part of a comprehensive institutional strategy towards modern higher engineering education.enEngineeringEvaluationPedagogical Qualification ProgrammeResearch-Based LearningCombining research and teaching in engineering. Creating a pedagogical qualification programme on research-based learning for early stage researchersConference PaperConference Paper