Kieckhefen, PaulPaulKieckhefenLichtenegger, ThomasThomasLichteneggerPietsch, SwantjeSwantjePietschPirker, StefanStefanPirkerHeinrich, StefanStefanHeinrich2020-10-052020-10-052019-02Particuology 42 : 92-103 (2019-02) numerical models such as the computational fluid dynamics–discrete element method(CFD–DEM) have enabled the accurate simulation of laboratory-scale apparatuses, the application ofthese methods to large-scale apparatuses with many particles and time scales ranging from minutes tohours remains a challenge. The recently developed recurrence CFD (rCFD) method seeks to overcomethese issues in pseudo-periodic processes by extrapolating globally recurring patterns in a physicallymeaningful way and describing the transport and interaction of passive scalars using Lagrangian tracers.Spouted beds represent an interesting target because of the associated variety of flow regimes. They canbe effectively described by CFD–DEM on the time scale of tens of seconds, whereas industrially relevantprocesses typically take hours. In this contribution, we established the validity of applying the LagrangianrCFD method to spouted beds by demonstrating the accurate reproduction of the particle residence timedistribution in a fictitious spray zone. The deposition of spray droplets onto tracer particles was simulatedfor 1 h, and the particle surface coverage distribution was estimated using a statistical approach for bothan unstabilized prismatic spouted bed and one stabilized by draft plates.en1674-2001Particuology201992103Elsevier CFDSpray coatingTime-scale decouplingSpouted bedDraft platesTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenSimulation of spray coating in a spouted bed using recurrence CFDJournal Article10.15480/882.296210.1016/j.partic.2018.01.00810.15480/882.2962Journal Article