Rudorf, MartinMartinRudorfOberst, SebastianSebastianOberstStender, MertenMertenStenderHoffmann, NorbertNorbertHoffmann2024-04-042024-04-042021Vibration Engineering for a Sustainable Future: Numerical and Analytical Methods to Study Dynamical Systems, Vol. 3 (2021). - Seite 51-57978-3-030-46466-0978-3-030-46465-3 elastic structures are found in nature as well as in technical applications. Examples are plant materials (leaves) or insect appendages (wings), parts of instrumentation (optical mirrors, membranes) or vehicles components (solar panels/antennas in satellites or car and aircraft bodies). Numerical modelling of those structures is commonly conducted using shell elements. Especially doubly curved shells have found much attention due to their applicability in thin shell or sandwich structures used in the automotive, aerospace and space industry. In the design process, it is generally assumed that these structures behave linearly; however, considering their curvature and how thin they are, large deflections easily become an issue as shown experimentally. Yet, the numerical modelling does conventionally assume that inertia effects can be neglected. Here we derive the equations of motion of a simply supported configuration of a doubly curved shell with 9 degrees of freedom with and without inertial coupling terms. We show by conducting a bifurcation analysis that the additional inertia effects cannot be neglected and that care has to be taken when structures as such are being employed as appendages on real-life satellites.enComplex dynamicsPlate dynamicsShell theorySpace appendagesThin elastic structuresPhysicsTechnologyBifurcation analysis of a doubly curved thin shell considering inertial effectsBook part10.1007/978-3-030-46466-0_8Other