Huber, PatrickPatrickHuberSoprunyuk, ViktorViktorSoprunyukKnorr, KlausKlausKnorr2022-07-052022-07-052006-09-27Phys. Rev. E 74 (3): 031610 (2006-10-02) n-alkanes C12H26, C14H30, and C16H34 have been imbibed and solidified in mesoporous Vycor glass with a mean pore diameter of 10nm. The samples have been investigated by x-ray diffractometry and calorimetric measurements. The structures and phase sequences have been determined. Apart from a reduction and the hysteresis of the melting/freezing transition, pore confined C12 reproduces the liquid-triclinic phase sequence of the bulk material, but for C16 an orthorhombic rotator mesophase appears that in the bulk state is absent for C16 but well known from odd numbered alkanes of similar length. In pore confined C14 this phase shows up on cooling but not on heating.en1550-2376Physical review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics20063American Physical SocietySoft Condensed MatterMaterials SciencePhysikStructural transformations of even-numbered n-alkanes confined in mesoporesJournal Article10.1103/PhysRevE.74.0316100610030v1Journal Article