Şahin, TarıkTarıkŞahinCudok, AnjaAnjaCudokRapp, SimonSimonRappInkermann, DavidDavidInkermannAlbers, AlbertAlbertAlbersWattenberg, FriedrichFriedrichWattenbergBursac, NikolaNikolaBursacVietor, ThomasThomasVietor2022-07-292022-07-292018-05Proceedings of International Design Conference, DESIGN 4: 1945-1956 (2018)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/13319This paper stresses the importance of collaborations to foster innovation and highlights the need for a shared understanding of innovation. To support successful collaboration we outline essential success factors and formulate hypotheses to improve collaborations focussing on SMEs. A model is introduced, allowing the identification of fields and measures to foster innovation. In addition, the concept of Product Generation Engineering is proposed to analyse past and plan future innovation activities. The discussion and hypotheses are addressed to researchers in the field of product engineering.en1847-9073Proceedings of the international design conference201819451956Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval ArchitectureCollaborationDesign practiceOpen innovationSmall and medium size enterprise (SME)TechnikHow to foster innovation? Findings and hypotheses for collaborations between research and industryConference Paper10.21278/idc.2018.0484Other