Chmelnizkij, AlexanderAlexanderChmelnizkijNagula, Sparsha SinduriSparsha SinduriNagulaGrabe, JürgenJürgenGrabe2018-12-142018-12-142017-02-27Procedia Engineering 175 : 302-309 (2017) numerical model is set up to compare CEL and MPM simulating the densification of dry sand using the deep vibration compaction method. This compaction method densifies loose sands by means of shear deformation processes imparted by horizontal vibrations of vibrator probe at the required soil depth. Both methods are capable to simulate large deformation without the drawbacks of mesh distortion. A hypoplastic constitutive model is used to characterize the stress-strain behaviour of the sand. Modelling parameters in both numerical domains were tried to keep similar to the possible extent so as to have comparable results. Both of the numerical methods were compared in light of the void ratio, displacement and stress distribution in the sand layer after being subjected to 20 cycles of vibration. It was observed that both the models were able to model large scale deformations quite satisfactorily and yielded comparable qualitative results. The differences in the outcomes of both approaches were examined for probable reasons of disparity.en1877-7058Procedia engineering2017302309Elsevier point methodCELdeepvibration compactionhypoplasticIngenieurwissenschaftenNumerical simulation of deep vibration compaction in abaqus/CEL and MPMJournal Articleurn:nbn:de:gbv:830-882.02439410.15480/882.190911420/191210.1016/j.proeng.2017.01.03110.15480/882.1909Journal Article