Kruse, SebastianSebastianKruseHoffmann, NorbertNorbertHoffmann2023-12-082023-12-0820118th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2011)978-90-76019-31-4 paper explores the robustness of stability phenomena in systems with frictional contacts using randomly generated dynamical systems. At first robustness of friction induced instabilities is explored on the system level. Thereupon it is analyzed on the eigenvalue level. A simple FE-model is used to show the varying robustness, a minimal-model with random parameters is introduced in order explore the robustness of eigenvalues in depth and statistical methods are deployed to conclude on the interpretation of simulation results in the field of friction induced oscillation. The meaning of robustness in terms of stability of systems with frictional contacts is defined and with this definition we show that the robustness of systems and eigenvalues can vary considerably and that robustness needs to be taken into account as an important information in eigenvalue calculations of nonconservative systems.enFriction induced vibrationMonte Carlo simulationNonconservativesystemsRandom systemsRobustnessStabilityPhysicsEngineering and Applied OperationsOn the robustness of mode-coupling instabilities in friction induced systemsConference PaperConference Paper