Bremen, Rik vanRik vanBremenRibas Gomes, DiegoDiegoRibas GomesJeer, Leo T. H. deLeo T. H. deJeerOcelík, VáclavVáclavOcelíkDe Hosson, JeffJeffDe Hosson2022-11-232022-11-232016-01Ultramicroscopy 160 (): 256-264 (2016-01-01) work presented aims at determining the optimum physical resolution of the transmission-electron backscattered diffraction (t-EBSD) technique. The resolution depends critically on intrinsic factors such as the density, atomic number and thickness of the specimen but also on the extrinsic experimental set-up of the electron beam voltage, specimen tilt and detector position. In the present study, the so-called physical resolution of a typical t-EBSD set-up was determined with the use of Monte Carlo simulations and confronted to experimental findings. In the case of a thin Au film of 20. nm, the best resolution obtained was 9. nm whereas for a 100. nm. Au film the best resolution was 66. nm. The precise dependence of resolution on thickness was found to vary differently depending on the specific elements involved. This means that the resolution of each specimen should be determined individually. Experimentally the median probe size of the t-EBSD for a 140. nm thick AuAg specimen was measured to be 87. nm. The first and third quartiles of the probe size measurements were found to be 60. nm and 118. nm. Simulation of this specimen resulted in a resolution of 94. nm which fits between these quartiles.en1879-2723Ultramicroscopy2016256264Elsevier ScienceMonte Carlo simulationResolutionTransmission electron back scatter diffractionPhysikOn the optimum resolution of transmission-electron backscattered diffraction (t-EBSD)Journal Article10.1016/j.ultramic.2015.10.025Other