Gries, OliverOliverGriesMöller, RalfRalfMöllerNafissi, AnahitaAnahitaNafissiRosenfeld, MauriceMauriceRosenfeldSokolski, KamilKamilSokolskiWandelt, SebastianSebastianWandelt2022-01-072022-01-072015CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1447 (): 28-41 (2015) order to provide automatic ontology-based multimedia annotation for producing linked data, scalable high-level media interpretation processes on (video) streams are required. In this paper we shortly describe an abductive media interpretation agent, and based on a Multimedia Content Ontology we introduce partitioning techniques for huge sets of time-related annotation assertions such that interpretation as well as retrieval processes refer to manageable sets of metadata.enLinked dataMultimedia interpretationStream processingInformatikTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenDealing efficiently with ontology-enhanced linked data for multimediaConference PaperOther